Sunday, May 18, 2008

On Putting Down Roots

I can't tell you how elated I am at the prospect of being somewhere more than temporarily. I suppose in the grand scheme of things it's all temporary, really, but I can't remember the last time I had all my boxes unpacked and all my pictures up on the walls (I can, actually, it was circa July 2006 in a sweet little house on Central Ave. Mary and I had pooled all our stuff into one charming abode. Since then I have lived at my parent's house, where most of my stuff sat in the basement for about a year, and at Dunham's Station, where our dining room has served as a holding place for our boxes for the better part of six months).

It's weird, I feel like I haven't gotten a chance to have a "home" for Sam and I since we've been married. We've been in this holding pattern of waiting to move and/or putting up with less than spectacular aspects of our apartment (see haikus below) and I can't wait to be somewhere and get settled in. Not to mention being somewhere that not a soul has ever lived in before! A brand new balcony, oven, windows, doorknobs, of our very own!

I really enjoy creating an inviting atmospehere, cooking for friends, and generally opening my crib up to others to enjoy. I feel like Sam hasn't even seen that side of me as a wife yet. It's been a strange an interesting time--giving away or selling a good part of our belongings. Finding out I really haven't missed any of it. It's refreshing, in a way, to not have a bunch of stuff bogging you down, especially as we get ready to start a new chapter of our lives.

Stay tuned as we pack up what's left of what we own in the next couple of weeks and head north! Hang on! It's going to be wild!

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