Monday, June 14, 2010
And the Award for Sketchiest Pet Shop Ever goes to...
I have walked past this Brooklyn Pet Shop several times now, and this picture doesn't do justice to how scary this place looks. Every time I approach I slow my walk down to a shuffle in hopes of catching a glimpse of an actual animal inside, mayhap a few of the "exotic fish" one sign says they "now carry"--but always to no avail. I'm a pretty adventurous person when it comes to checking out random things in the neighborhood, but somewhere between the gate, the bars over all windows and doors, and the three cardboard signs insisting this place is a PET SHOP (there's even arrows to help direct you) I lose any nerve I might have to go inside and check the place out. And seeing as someone was just shot a block over from this location a few weeks ago, I may be avoiding this stretch of street for some time now. Until we meet again, Sketchy Pet Shop, I will continue forming conspiracy theories about what kind of operation is really going on in there....